Certificates and Awards


Resolutions and Proclamations
These three certificates brings deep joy as they represent serving the Best Indian Food in San Francisco since 1988 to over 2 million guests from all over the world. These Resolutions and Proclamations show the hard work and the love of the team at New Delhi Restaurant – and also the high mutual regard we hold for the people of San Francisco and they for us.

This is a collection of certificates which recognizes the hard work, tenacity, and creativity to stay in business for over three decades and still be the very best. I could not have done it without the patronage of thousands of regulars with whom I have developed life-long friendships. I also cannot discount the dedication and skill of my staff – some of whom have been with me over 25 years.



All through my journey from being a young chef to creating a San Francisco Legacy Business, I have always looked back and counted my blessings everyday. These medals are a tangible reminder of my journey from pot scrubber and vegetable boy in the hotel kitchens of Calcutta to the dedicated chef I am today.

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